Greetings GNWBC family…we pray that this message continues to find you and your family healthy, safe, and blessed. As many of you have already heard, we have finalized reopening plans for the church. On this Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST we will restart Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study. On
Sunday, June 21, 2020, we will restart our corporate worship service. Sunday School will begin at 9:30 AM EST and morning services will begin at 10:45 AM EST.
It is the church leadership’s intent to initiate our plan in a manner that is compliant with current local, state, and federal COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Moreover, it is our plan to ensure that we protect the health and safety of all members of GNWBC during this reopening process. To this end, we are re-emphasizing/implementing these guidelines while on church premises or in the sanctuary:
1) If you are in a vulnerable/high-risk group, have underlying health issues, a fever, you are experiencing cold or flu like symptoms, or you are just not quite comfortable returning to church just yet. PLEASE DO NOT COME. WE WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE A PLATFORM FOR YOU
TO WORSHIP VIRTUALLY. (Click here to visit the virtual page.)
2) The entire church has been and will continue to be cleaned and disinfected prior to returning and between each service.
3) Hand sanitizers will be placed in high contact/high traffic areas of the church. We ask that members and guests sanitize when entering the church, moving about in the church, and exiting the church.
4) Please wear face mask at all times while on church premises and in the sanctuary. If you do not have a mask, we may be able to provide you one. We also encourage the wearing of gloves while on church premises and in the sanctuary. If you do not have gloves, we may be able to provide you a set.
5) Practice at least 6 feet of social distancing while on church premises and in the sanctuary. To encourage social distancing and minimize personal contact, the following steps have been implemented:
a. Members and guests are asked to park on the west side of the church. Individuals with accessibility issues are permitted to park up front and enter through the front door.
b. Members and guests will enter the church from the west entry door and enter the sanctuary from the west sanctuary door. Once inside the sanctuary, the ushers will escort you to your seat. For those who attended visitations at the church, we will employ the same traffic flow pattern used during visitations.
c. Members and guests will be seated in every other row and no more than five people will be seated on a row.
d. Family units of five or less are asked to occupy their own row.
e. Members and guest should refrain from touching or embracing individuals while in the church.
f. Members and guests should refrain from loitering and congregating inside the church.
g. Bulletins, programs, and envelopes will already be placed in their respective seats.
h. During tithes and offerings, ushers will bring the basket to each member to collect their envelope or offerings.
i. At the conclusion of our worship services, ushers will dismiss members by rows starting at the back of the church. The traditional minister greeting line will be suspended until further noticed.
In view of current COVID related restrictions, we request your assistance in safeguarding your health, as well as, the health of others attending GNWBC worship services. We are aware that these guidelines may seem very restrictive, please know that it is not the intent of leadership to restrict your ability to praise and worship freely. Instead, we are simply trying to provide a safe worshiping environment during these extraordinary and challenging times. God willing, we will get to some normalcy real soon.
Thanks in advance for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. As always, we will continue monitor local, state, and federal updates and changes to COVID related guidelines, restrictions, and data and update our plans accordingly. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the GNWBC Leadership Team.